Great—so what are we waiting for? Abigail Adams called for rebellion if women were excluded from the laws of the land, and that exclusion is still alive today. From abortion rights to economic equality, the seeds of revolution are sprouting. It’s on us to nurture them. This fight isn’t waiting. Neither should we. 🌱💪 #ReproductiveRights #WomensRebellion #AbigailAdams
We’re not waiting. The revolution is growing all around us - it’s just hard to see sometimes in this atmosphere. But it’s up to us to keep growing, keep pushing, keep lifting ourselves and each other 💕
My spirits are not lifted, though I applaud vigorously. I see an assault on women coming with this incoming administration, for which white women voted. I have not figured that out yet. I need help with that. I am disgusted by inequality. If you will look at my cut at the Equality leg of my Democratic Dream Platform, you will see I need help with it.
There may be a reprieve at midterms if we can get out the women to vote at that time. In the interim we need to block block block the nomination abominations by writing en masse to our senators. An (easy to fill out) letter on the topic is in the below post. Blocking the nominations is a delay that will help eat up the 2 years.
Writing our senators on each issue is something we can do. Blocking the channel and canceling the subscription are some things we can do. The strike, the boycott are some things we can do. Women can lead!
I completely agree - but nor can we give up the belief that we can change minds, we can reach those whose interests align with ours but not their votes. We cannot give into a lack of imagination or despair but must continually look for new ways to build dialog and open new channels of discourse. If we do not understand why someone voted the way they did while simultaneously wanting to change their vote, it is incumbent on us to ask. It is exhausting work but it is the work that must be done - and that we are doing together.
I have come to the conclusion that we look at it from the wrong perspective and thus limit our Army. It is now the bottom versus the oligarchs and their “paid politicians and other employees”. The bottom versus the top, the exploited versus the exploiters. Once we inform of the inequalities, we will gain voters.
It is foundational to our rights to bodily autonomy. Absolutely. And I will continue to fight for that right alongside other women committed to the cause. Thanks for writing about this. It is so very important.
Great—so what are we waiting for? Abigail Adams called for rebellion if women were excluded from the laws of the land, and that exclusion is still alive today. From abortion rights to economic equality, the seeds of revolution are sprouting. It’s on us to nurture them. This fight isn’t waiting. Neither should we. 🌱💪 #ReproductiveRights #WomensRebellion #AbigailAdams
We’re not waiting. The revolution is growing all around us - it’s just hard to see sometimes in this atmosphere. But it’s up to us to keep growing, keep pushing, keep lifting ourselves and each other 💕
My spirits are not lifted, though I applaud vigorously. I see an assault on women coming with this incoming administration, for which white women voted. I have not figured that out yet. I need help with that. I am disgusted by inequality. If you will look at my cut at the Equality leg of my Democratic Dream Platform, you will see I need help with it.
There may be a reprieve at midterms if we can get out the women to vote at that time. In the interim we need to block block block the nomination abominations by writing en masse to our senators. An (easy to fill out) letter on the topic is in the below post. Blocking the nominations is a delay that will help eat up the 2 years.
Writing our senators on each issue is something we can do. Blocking the channel and canceling the subscription are some things we can do. The strike, the boycott are some things we can do. Women can lead!
I completely agree - but nor can we give up the belief that we can change minds, we can reach those whose interests align with ours but not their votes. We cannot give into a lack of imagination or despair but must continually look for new ways to build dialog and open new channels of discourse. If we do not understand why someone voted the way they did while simultaneously wanting to change their vote, it is incumbent on us to ask. It is exhausting work but it is the work that must be done - and that we are doing together.
I have come to the conclusion that we look at it from the wrong perspective and thus limit our Army. It is now the bottom versus the oligarchs and their “paid politicians and other employees”. The bottom versus the top, the exploited versus the exploiters. Once we inform of the inequalities, we will gain voters.
It is foundational to our rights to bodily autonomy. Absolutely. And I will continue to fight for that right alongside other women committed to the cause. Thanks for writing about this. It is so very important.